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Petrel: A Programmatically Accessible Research Data Service

Published:28 July 2019Publication History


We report on our experiences deploying and operating Petrel, a data service designed to support science projects that must organize and distribute large quantities of data. Building on a high-performance 3.2 PB parallel file system and embedded in Argonne National Laboratory's 100+ Gbps network fabric, Petrel leverages Science DMZ concepts and Globus APIs to provide application scientists with a high-speed, highly connected, and programmatically controllable data store. We describe Petrel's design, implementation, and usage and give representative examples to illustrate the many different ways in which scientists have employed the system.


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    PEARC '19: Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing on Rise of the Machines (learning)
    July 2019
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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