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Exploring the Role of Grammar and Word Choice in Bias Toward African American English (AAE) in Hate Speech Classification

Published:20 June 2022Publication History


Language usage on social media varies widely even within the context of American English. Despite this, the majority of natural language processing systems are trained only on “Standard American English,” or SAE, the construction of English most prominent among white Americans. For hate speech classification, prior work has shown that African American English (AAE) is more likely to be misclassified as hate speech. This has harmful implications for Black social media users as it reinforces and exacerbates existing notions of anti-Black racism. While past work has highlighted the relationship between AAE and hate speech classification, no work has explored the linguistic characteristics of AAE that lead to misclassification. Our work uses Twitter datasets for AAE dialect and hate speech classifiers to explore the fine-grained relationship between specific characteristics of AAE such as word choice and grammatical features and hate speech predictions. We further investigate these biases by removing profanity and examining the influence of four aspects of AAE grammar that are distinct from SAE. Results show that removing profanity accounts for a roughly 20 to 30% reduction in the percentage of samples classified as ’hate’ ’abusive’ or ’offensive,’ and that similar classification patterns are observed regardless of grammar categories.


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