With the slowing of Moore’s law, computer architects have turned to domain-specific hardware specialization to continue improving the performance and efficiency of computing systems. However, specialization typically entails significant modifications to the software stack to properly leverage the updated hardware. The lack of a structured approach for updating the compiler and the accelerator in tandem has impeded many attempts to systematize this procedure. We propose a new approach to enable flexible and evolvable domain-specific hardware specialization based on coarse-grained reconfigurable arrays (CGRAs). Our agile methodology employs a combination of new programming languages and formal methods to automatically generate the accelerator hardware and its compiler from a single source of truth. This enables the creation of design-space exploration frameworks that automatically generate accelerator architectures that approach the efficiencies of hand-designed accelerators, with a significantly lower design effort for both hardware and compiler generation. Our current system accelerates dense linear algebra applications but is modular and can be extended to support other domains. Our methodology has the potential to significantly improve the productivity of hardware-software engineering teams and enable quicker customization and deployment of complex accelerator-rich computing systems.
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Index Terms
AHA: An Agile Approach to the Design of Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Accelerators and Compilers