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We extend the capability of space-time geostatistical modeling using algebraic approximations, illustrating application-expected accuracy worthy of double precision from majority low-precision computations and low-rank matrix approximations. We exploit ...
We present Task Bench, a parameterized benchmark designed to explore the performance of distributed programming systems under a variety of application scenarios. Task Bench dramatically lowers the barrier to benchmarking and comparing multiple ...
As the scale of high-performance computing (HPC) systems continues to grow, researchers are devoted themselves to explore increasing levels of parallelism to achieve optimal performance. The modern CPU’s design, including its features of hierarchical ...
Climate and weather can be predicted statistically via geospatial Maximum Likelihood Estimates (MLE), as an alternative to running large ensembles of forward models. The MLE-based iterative optimization procedure requires the solving of large-scale ...
The performance and efficiency of distributed training of Deep Neural Networks (DNN) highly depend on the performance of gradient averaging among participating processes, a step bound by communication costs. There are two major approaches to reduce ...
As the scale of high-performance computing (HPC) systems continues to grow, mean-time-to-failure (MTTF) of these HPC systems is negatively impacted and tends to decrease. In order to efficiently run long computing jobs on these systems, handling system ...
The increase in scale and heterogeneity of high-performance computing (HPC) systems predispose the performance of Message Passing Interface (MPI) collective communications to be susceptible to noise, and to adapt to a complex mix of hardware ...
Successfully exploiting distributed collections of heterogeneous many-cores architectures with complex memory hierarchy through a portable programming model is a challenge for application developers. The literature is not short of proposals addressing ...
We consider the problem of how to reduce the cost of communication that is required for the parallel training of a neural network. The state-of-the-art method, Bulk Synchronous Parallel Stochastic Gradient Descent (BSP-SGD), requires many collective ...
This paper details the implementation and usage of software-based performance counters to understand the performance of a particular implementation of the MPI standard, Open MPI. Such counters can expose intrinsic features of the software stack that are ...
Building an infrastructure for Exascale applications requires, in addition to many other key components, a stable and efficient failure detector. This paper describes the design and evaluation of a robust failure detector, able to maintain and ...
Due to better parallel density and power efficiency, GPUs have become more popular for use in scientific applica- tions. Many of these applications are based on the ubiquitous Message Passing Interface (MPI) programming paradigm, and take advantage of ...
The ability to consistently handle faults in a distributed environment requires, among a small set of basic routines, an agreement algorithm allowing surviving entities to reach a consensual decision between a bounded set of volatile resources. This ...
This paper considers the questions of how spare nodes should be allocated, how to substitute them for faulty nodes, and how much the communication performance is affected by such a substitution. The third question stems from the modification of the rank ...
Advanced failure recovery strategies in HPC system benefit tremendously from in-place failure recovery, in which the MPI infrastructure can survive process crashes and resume communication services. In this paper we present the rationale behind the ...
Dense matrix factorizations, such as LU, Cholesky and QR, are widely used for scientific applications that require solving systems of linear equations, eigenvalues and linear least squares problems. Such computations are normally carried out on ...
Increased parallelism and use of heterogeneous computing resources is now an established trend in High Performance Computing (HPC), a trend that, looking forward to Exascale, seems bound to intensify. Despite the evolution of hardware over the past ...
OpenSHMEM scalability is strongly dependent on the capability of its communication layer to efficiently handle multiple threads. In this paper, we present an early evaluation of the thread safety specification in the Unified Common Communication ...
Ultrascale computing systems are likely to reach speeds of two or three orders of magnitude greater than today's computing systems. However, to achieve this level of performance, we need to design and implement more sustainable solutions for ultra-scale ...
Soft errors pose a real challenge to applications running on modern hardware as the feature size becomes smaller and the integration density increases for both the modern processors and the memory chips. Soft errors manifest themselves as bit-flips that ...