Recommender systems are an essential tool to relieve the information overload challenge and play an important role in people’s daily lives. Since recommendations involve allocations of social resources (e.g., job recommendation), an important issue is ...
In recommender systems, some features directly affect whether an interaction would happen, making the happened interactions not necessarily indicate user preference. For instance, short videos are objectively easier to finish even though the user may not ...
Deep cross-modal hashing retrieval models inherit the vulnerability of deep neural networks. They are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, especially for the form of subtle perturbations to the inputs. Although many adversarial attack methods have been ...
Recommendation systems are popular in many domains. Researchers usually focus on the effectiveness of recommendation (e.g., precision) but neglect the popularity bias that may affect the fairness of the recommendation, which is also an important ...
Recommender systems can automatically recommend users with items that they probably like. The goal of them is to model the user-item interaction by effectively representing the users and items. Existing methods have primarily learned the user’s ...
Modern recommender systems are trained to predict users’ potential future interactions from users’ historical behavior data. During the interaction process, despite the data coming from the user side, recommender systems also generate exposure data to ...
With recent advancements in graph neural networks (GNN), GNN-based recommender systems (gRS) have achieved remarkable success in the past few years. Despite this success, existing research reveals that gRSs are still vulnerable to poison attacks, in which ...
Neural graph collaborative filtering has received great recent attention due to its power of encoding the high-order neighborhood via the backbone graph neural networks. However, their robustness against noisy user-item interactions remains largely ...
Recently, privacy issues in web services that rely on users’ personal data have raised great attention. Despite that recent regulations force companies to offer choices for each user to opt-in or opt-out of data disclosure, real-world applications usually ...
Clicks on rankings suffer from position bias: generally items on lower ranks are less likely to be examined—and thus clicked—by users, in spite of their actual preferences between items. The prevalent approach to unbiased click-based learning-to-rank (LTR)...
Sequential recommendation (SR) learns users’ preferences by capturing the sequential patterns from users’ behaviors evolution. As discussed in many works, user–item interactions of SR generally present the intrinsic power-law distribution, which can be ...
Recently, user cold-start recommendations have attracted a lot of attention from industry and academia. In user cold-start recommendation systems, the user attribute information is often used by existing approaches to learn user preferences due to the ...
Owing to its nature of scalability and privacy by design, federated learning (FL) has received increasing interest in decentralized deep learning. FL has also facilitated recent research on upscaling and privatizing personalized recommendation services, ...
Next Point-of-Interest (POI) recommendation has become an indispensable functionality in Location-based Social Networks (LBSNs) due to its effectiveness in helping people decide the next POI to visit. However, accurate recommendation requires a vast ...
While recent years have witnessed a rapid growth of research papers on recommender system (RS), most of the papers focus on inventing machine learning models to better fit user behavior data. However, user behavior data is observational rather than ...
With the resurgent interest in building open-domain dialogue systems, the dialogue generation task has attracted increasing attention over the past few years. This task is usually formulated as a conditional generation problem, which aims to generate a ...
Click-through Rate (CTR) prediction on cold users is a challenging task in recommender systems. Recent researches have resorted to meta-learning to tackle the cold-user challenge, which either perform few-shot user representation learning or adopt ...
Location-based social networks (LBSNs) have become a popular platform for users to share their activities with friends and families, which provide abundant information for us to study issues of group venue recommendation by utilizing the characteristics ...
Understanding how data workers interact with data, and various pieces of information related to data preparation, is key to designing systems that can better support them in exploring datasets. To date, however, there is a paucity of research studying the ...
On a wide range of natural language processing and information retrieval tasks, transformer-based models, particularly pre-trained language models like BERT, have demonstrated tremendous effectiveness. Due to the quadratic complexity of the self-attention ...
Leveraging the side information associated with entities (i.e., users and items) to enhance recommendation systems has been widely recognized as an essential modeling dimension. Most of the existing approaches address this task by the integration-based ...
Legal case retrieval, which aims to retrieve relevant cases given a query case, has drawn increasing research attention in recent years. While much research has worked on developing automatic retrieval models, how to characterize relevance in this ...
Recent years witnessed several advances in developing multi-goal conversational recommender systems (MG-CRS) that can proactively attract users’ interests and naturally lead user-engaged dialogues with multiple conversational goals and diverse topics. ...
The Visual Question Answering (VQA) task utilizes both visual image and language analysis to answer a textual question with respect to an image. It has been a popular research topic with an increasing number of real-world applications in the last decade. ...
Knowledge graphs (KGs) can provide users with semantic information and relations among numerous entities and nodes, which can greatly facilitate the performance of recommender systems. However, existing KG-based approaches still suffer from severe data ...
Graph-based recommender system has attracted widespread attention and produced a series of research results. Because of the powerful high-order connection modeling capabilities of the Graph Neural Network, the performance of these graph-based recommender ...